Dental Implants on Brisbane’s Northside.

Dental Implants are the standard of care for replacing missing teeth with a fixed restoration that provides a long-lasting solution for chewing with confidence, boosting self-esteem, and achieving a radiant, flawless grin.
Our dentists at Nundah Village Dental on Brisbane’s Northside, have completed extensive training to place or restore helping ensure your Dental Implant tooth replacement is a success. Dr Marc Miller has been at Nundah Village dental since 2001 and continues regular training and development in the field of implants. Let him help guide you in making the decision right for you.
Book a consultation now and see what options are available for you
Contact us today on 07 3260 6200 for a consultation or book online
“Many people come in wanting to know the options available, clarity on what is involved. People want to find an experienced person to do the work in the gentlest way possible.”

About Nundah Village Dental
• A 40+ year local reputation
• An Independently accredited dental practice
• A Family owned and operated practice
• A Team of experienced dentists
• Full team of dental hygienists and assistants

Book a consultation now and see what options are available for you
Contact us today on 07 3260 6200 for a consultation