April 20, 2020

Re-Open Under Level 3 Restrictions

The doors at Nundah Village Dental have re-opened under very strict restrictions.

During our temporary closure we have worked hard to develop systems to ensure we can now see our patients who may need emergency dental care during these times. These systems have been developed to ensure we can keep you, our staff and our community safe.

The Australian Dental Association has enforced operation under level 3 restrictions.

You can currently only seek an emergency appointment that meet the criteria from the ADA and receive emergency treatment to manage your pain.


EMERGENCY treatment can be accessed for All patients displaying the following (except confirmed COVID 19 exposure risk)

  • Facial Swelling
  • Trauma
  • Uncontrolled bleeding

You should call our practice on 3260 6200 should you be experiencing any of these symptoms. We are open Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm. If you are experiencing these symptoms outside of our opening hours you should seek advice from your GP or your local hospital emergency department.


URGENT treatment for all patients displaying the following except for those aged over 70, pregnant, medically or immunocompromised

  • Dental pain or toothache
  • Localised Infection
  • Tooth fracture involving the nerve
  • Extensive decay giving pain

You should call our practice on 3260 6200 should you be experiencing any of these symptoms. We are open Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm. If you are experiencing these symptoms outside of our opening hours please leave a message and we will return your call the next business day to help organise an appointment time.

When you arrive for your emergency appointment

All patients must also pass the Nundah Village Dental COVID 19 screening questions including a temperature check.

🛑 Where possible you must come alone
🛑 You will be asked to remain outside the practice until the treatment room is ready for you
🛑 A staff member will check you in through the COVID19 screening questions, hand sanitisation and temperature check
🛑You will only enter the practice if this screening is a pass staff will give direction for any failed screening and options where you can seek treatment
🛑 We ask that you bring as little as possible to your appointment your hands must be able to be washed and then touch nothing. If items can not fit in your pockets they must be able to fit into a zip lock bag that you can tuck under your arm.
🛑If you pass the screening you will be escorted by our staff to a hand washing basin you must wash your hands as per the directions from the World Health Organization Under staff supervision
🛑You will then move directly to the treatment room. Where our staff will be wearing full PPE.
🛑 You will be given a pre-operative mouth rinse and emergency treatment will be completed under a rubber dam where required
🛑Once treatment has been completed payment will be made via EFTPOS only.
❌ no cash ❌no cheque
🛑Whilst in the practice you must practice social distancing where practical and adhere to any direction given to you by our team.

For your safety and peace of mind the new systems we have in place mean you will be the only patient in the practice for the duration of your emergency appointment. We are fortunate to have access to multiple surgeries so will alternate between treatment rooms for any patients that need to be seen. This means you will be treated in an environment that has been completely cleaned for your appointment and has been vacant for a minimum for 1 hour. We will only have skeleton staff working each day to reduce the amount of people at the practice at one time.

To ensure we have adequate time to treat your emergency and so we can maintain the highest infection control standards during this time we have had to limit the amount of appointments we are able to offer each day. Currently we have the capacity to safely treat 5 emergencies per day so if you are having any concerns with your teeth, we urge you to contact our team as soon as possible as we may not be able to accommodate your emergency on the day of your call.


All check up and cleaning appointments or non urgent general dental must be postponed. If you have an existing booking with us our team we will be in contact with you to discuss what this means for you. If you are concerned about delaying your appointment during these times, please contact us during our business hours 8:30am-5pm.

You can read more about what the Australian Dental Association Level 3 Restrictions mean for you here: https://www.ada.org.au/Covid-19-Portal/For-the-public


We are unsure of when these restrictions will be lifted but we will be here during these uncertain times and will keep you up to date with any information that is made available to us.

Our hours of operation are 8:30am-5pm Monday to Friday.

Take care, be safe and keep smiling


The Team at Nundah Village Dental