Our team at Nundah Village Dental is well prepared to keep you safe during the current Covid19 pandemic. Your dental health is important for your overall health and we are doing everything possible to keep our practice open and functioning during this difficult time for everyone.
As an accredited practice we were already well prepared with general infection control practices to keep our patients safe from all infections. In addition to this you will now be asked a series of questions both when you call for an appointment, and on your arrival at the practice. If you are in any way at risk of having been in contact with the Covid19 virus or others confirmed with Covid19 please phone the practice to reschedule your treatment for a later date.
When you arrive for an appointment you also be asked to hand rub with sanitiser and have your temperature taken. You will be given a pre-operative mouthrinse at the start of your appointment and we are doing everything we can to maintain the highest level of infection control and practice hygiene.
Our staff have now also had their Influenza vaccinations and we are open and ready to help you get the dental treatment you need to maintain your own health.
And remember standard precautions:
- Do not touch surfaces and avoid close contact with people who you think may have the virus.
- Perform hand hygiene frequently; hand washing or hand sanitiser (not one after the other).
- Do not touch your face – keep hands away!
- If you are not well, stay home and seek advice for testing and or treatment.
- Cover coughs and sneezes; cough into elbow or catch with tissue, dispose immediately and perform hand hygiene.